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Friday, September 9, 2011

Your Diet and Your Cholesterol Level

| Friday, September 9, 2011
Have you had lab work and your doctor told you, 'Your cholesterol level is high!!.'? I will attempt to share with you a number of foods that will help fix those bad numbers and some information on how you can eat more wisely.
Cholesterol lowering foods:
Listed are some cholesterol lowering foods: Apples, almonds, avocados, bananas, barley, beans, carrots, chili peppers, eggplant, green plantains, soybeans, spinach, sweet potatoes, walnuts, yams and yogurt with active culture.
This is the way some of the foods mentioned above will benefit you and help you to bring your cholesterol number down.
Soy beans and the products derived from them, such as soy milk, lecithin and tofu help break down fatty deposits so they can be flushed from the body more readily.
Yogurt; beware of yogurt substitutes, read the label, plain yogurt is your best bet. Use a blender to make smoothies using fresh fruit.
Medium sized carrots, eat three daily, this alone has been known to reduce the cholesterol level by as much as eleven percent.
Chili peppers reduce blood serum cholesterol levels by suppressing the liver's ability to produce cholesterol.
Garlic; five fresh raw cloves minced into other food daily for 25 days has been shown to lower serum cholesterol by nearly ten percent.
Studies have found that antioxidants in wine lowers cholesterol. Grape juice works just as well. Grape juice contains reveratrol, a naturally occurring chemical in wine that lowers cholesterol. The bioflavonoid is found in the skin of the purple grape. That bioflavonoid is the bullet in the gun of Vitamin C, it enhances Vitamin C's benefits to the body.
Be fat smart! There IS good fat that lowers cholesterol! Bad fats are saturated, they are derived from animals. Good fats go by a variety of names. PUFAS or polyunsaturated fatty acids. PUFAS is a generic term for all the essential fatty acids (EFA). They are called 'essential' because the body cannot make them so they must be in the diet. Essential Fatty Acids are required for growth, development and maintenance of cell membranes, including those of the central nervous system. A deficiency of EFAS has been linked to heart disease. Foods found to lower cholesterol are high in essential fatty acids; fish, un-roasted nuts, seeds and the oils from them.
Say no to margarine! Margarine is not heart smart! Margarine is a trans fat. A diet high in saturated fat raises the level of the bad guy, LDL cholesterol. But a diet high in trans fatty acid both increases bad cholesterol AND decreases good guy, HDL cholesterol -- a double whammy! A small amount of trans fats comes from dairy products and beef, but the majority or major source is margarine, particularly the hard margarine and shortenings made by hydrogenated plant oils. The Harvard School of Public Health now proclaims that partially hydrogenated vegetable oil found in margarine and shortening may be attributed to approximately 30,000 deaths each year.
Follow these suggestions and guidelines and your next laboratory report WILL have better numbers!
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