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Friday, September 9, 2011

Best Hemorrhoid Treatments - The Three Best Hemorrhoid Cures

| Friday, September 9, 2011
What are hemorrhoids? 
Hemorrhoids are a swollen veins condition in the anus which is usually not serious but still needs medical attention as it can be painful. There are two types of hemorrhoids, the internal and external hemorrhoid. A sign that you have internal hemorrhoids are painless rectal bleeding. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand presents pain in the anus area.   

What causes Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids occurs when you put too much strain on the veins of your pelvic and rectal area. The tissues in your anus naturally help control your bowel movements by filling the veins up with blood. When you increase pressure, the veins will swell and hemorrhoids happen. The pressure can be caused by three events: when you have a diarrhea or constipation, if you are pregnant wherein pushing baby out adds pressure to the pelvic area, and if you are overweight. Though hemorrhoids might not be thought to be serious, it is uncomfortable, painful and sometimes gets worse. You need to know what m
ight be the best hemorrhoid treatment for you.   

How to treat hemorrhoids?
There are a number of ways to treat hemorrhoids The simplest way is to increase of your fiber intake and drink lots of water. The measures below might be the best hemorrhoid treatment for you if drinking and fiber intake does not work.  1. Best hemorrhoids treatment at home      Do not make your hemorrhoids worse. As much as possible, be careful when putting too much pressure in your pelvic and rectal area. A good rest will eventually make it subside.     Wipe your anus with moistened toilet paper or baby wipes. Toilet paper moistened with cleansing agent will suffice as well as pre-moistened towels.     Do not rub your anal area too vigorously as it will put pressure around the anal area. Rinse it off with a shower attachment or bidet.     Use soap that does not contain any perfumes or coloring.     Sitz baths are used to ease pain and discomfort in your body lower area. This may help ease your hemorrhoid pains.  2. Best hemorrhoid treatment Medications      Best hemorrhoid treatment ointments for topical application are ointments with petroleum jelly or zinc oxide. These components protect skin from further injury. Ointments are used to lessen itchiness as it form barriers around the hemorrhoid area.     Suppositories can help lubricate anal canal as well as relieving irritation.     Topical ointment with 1% hydrocortisone may relieve itching and inflammation. This is not however advisable to use for more that two weeks as it may make the skin of your anus area thin.     Take over the counter nonprescription NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to fight the pain and to lessen the swelling.  3. Best hemorrhoid treatment surgery procedures  Surgical procedures are probably the best hemorrhoid treatment for severe cases of hemorrhoids.      Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure wherein the hemorrhoids will be removed and needs 2 to 4 weeks to recover.     Doppler, a guided minimal invasive treatment procedure that ties off arteries to put back into its normal position. Recurrence rate is higher than Hemorrhoidectomy but this has lesser complications.     Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that resections soft tissue to disrupt blood flow to hemorrhoids. This is less painful then Hemorrhoidectomy  Whatever the condition of your hemorrhoids, it is your choice what will be the best hemorrhoid treatment for you. Consult your doctor if your condition gets worse and you think you need to have a surgery.  Read more about this annoying and embarrassing condition at 

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