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Friday, September 9, 2011

Skin Creams containing Vitamin C - Do They Actually Work?

| Friday, September 9, 2011
Ever since Noble Prize winning scientist Dr. Linus Pauling, proclaimed the wonders of Vitamin C, it has become one of the most widely used ingredients in anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams.

Vitamin C-based anti-wrinkle creams promising amazing results are popping up like mushrooms all over our country.

Do their claims have any substance? The situation is a little *complicated*. On one hand, vitamin C does possess definite, scientifically validated merits for wrinkle reduction and skin rejuvenation. On the other hand, most anti-wrinkle vitamin C products do not work…and worse…may end up aggravating wrinkle formation.

What do I mean by this? You see, potentially vitamin C can benefit our skin in EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ways such as:

1. Collagen Synthesis: Collagen makes up about 70% of our skin’s dry weight. As any material, it is subject to wear and tear, and slowly breaks down over time. In our youth, fibroblasts (skin cells – capable of producing collagen) replace broken collagen fibers. But as we age our skin’s ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes. This leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.

We could apply collagen creams but remember, collagen being a big molecule does not penetrate our skin and may expose us to the dangers of mad cow disease.

Once again, this is what Dr. Rubin was quoted saying in an article in the New York Times:

“Collagen doesn’t penetrate… You can’t get the collagen molecule into your skin. It’s like taking a steak and rubbing it on your skin to try to make your muscles large.”

We could get collagen injections, but one of the main drawbacks (besides costs) is injected collagen is quickly broken up by enzymes and can only be replenished by more injections…meaning thousands of more dollars! Besides the danger of mad cow disease, there are reports of connective tissue disease arising after collagen injections.

The good news is, applying vitamin C helps dramatically plump up thinning skin by increasing its production of NEW COLLAGEN. With Vitamin C stimulating your own collagen production there is no known risk of allergy, no immune reaction and no injection-induced infection. Just natural collagen being deposited in an orderly fashion…rapidly bringing back with it your skin’s softness, strength and elasticity.

2. Antioxidant: Vitamin C is an antioxidant — a substance that vanquishes free radicals, those vicious molecules that irreparably damage our cells and accelerate the aging process.

3. Blood Capillary Strengthener: Vitamin C strengthens blood capillaries… which means fewer broken capillaries are visible on your face.

4. Enhances Skin Brightness: Got “age spots” or “liver spots”? We all have them. They form because of hyperpigmentation; a condition in which patches of our skin become darker in color than surrounding skin. The good news is that application of Vitamin C helps regulate the production of dark color producing cells. It helps correct and restore the balance of lackluster skin, dark patches and blotchiness. This evens your skin tone and results in a dramatic improvement in skin radiance.

5. Prevents Transepidermal Water Loss: Vitamin C helps reduce evaporative water loss from your skin, thus retaining moisture within the skin.

If you want more info on Lifecell Wrinkle Cream visit:

Botox users may have reasons to frown…

Here’s the other half of the story:

1. Botox addresses only one aspect of facial rejuvenation — motion wrinkles. It does not reduce fine lines, sun damage, skin roughness, nor does it help with acne scars, uneven pigmentation or age spots.

2. The FDA has only approved Botox for use on an extremely limited area (less than 5% of our entire face). That area is the tiny little space where sometimes there is a furrow between your eyebrows. You can’t use Botox ANYWHERE ELSE!

3. Botox users might be surprised to learn they’re actually receiving injections of a bacterial neurotoxin called botulinum, one of the most poisonous substances known. Exposure to large amounts of it can cause DEATH.

4. The effect of Botox injections almost completely disappear within 3 to 6 months. After which you need to again and again set up appointments with a doctor, get a new set of injections and spend more money (about $700)…every 3 to 6 months.

5. Regular injections risk skin and nerve damage and actually thin the skin exacerbating some skin problems.

6. Sometime ago, a couple was in a critical condition in Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, breathing through ventilators and being fed intravenously after receiving adulterated Botox injections.

7. Pregnant women and women who are breast feeding should not undergo Botox treatment as there has been limited research of its effects on unborn fetuses and infants.

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