A 5 year ARM, also known as a 5/1 ARM, is one option being offered today
by many mortgage companies. This particular loan has a fixed rate for
the first five years and then changes once each year for the remaining
life of the loan.
The benefit of a 5/1 arm is that it gives the borrower a much lower
interest rate and payment initially. For example, as of today March 16,
2011, a 5/1 arm with many mortgage lenders has an interest rate of 2.75%
compared to a 30 year fixed with an interest rate of 4.625%. For a loan
of $250,000 the monthly payment on the 5/1 arm would be $265 less. For
borrowers who are confident they will sell their home within that 5 year
period, this kind of loan would be an ideal product. However, borrowers
that are just looking to lower their payments may find this loan
disastrous because after the 60th month the 5/1 arm can adjust by up to 5
percentage points! This is referred to as the 1st adjustment cap. Every
12 months after the initial adjustment, the loan will adjust again
which is referred to as the periodic adjustment. Typically, the cap on
this adjustment is less than the first adjustment cap. Many lenders set
this at a maximum of 2 percentage points. The final term for the 5/1 arm
is the lifetime adjustment cap. This is the amount that the interest
rate can rise during the entire term of the mortgage, which is typically
30 years. Many times, this is equal to the initial adjustment cap, or 5
years. In other words, a 5/1 arm typically has the terms 5/2/5 (initial
cap = 5%; periodic cap = 2%; lifetime cap = 5%). For example, a 5/1 arm
that closes with an interest rate of 2.75% will remain fixed for the
first 5 years. At the end of 5 years it can rise to a maximum of 7.75%
but at no time during the term of the loan can it rise higher than
7.75%. If the interest rate rises to 5.00% after the initial adjustment,
then in 12 months it can rise as high as 7.00% (2 percentage points).
The change in interest rate is tied to an index that determines how much
your interest rate will rise or fall at each adjustment period. The
most common indices used are the U.S. Treasury Bill and the London
Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). Both are posted daily on the Wall Street
Journal as well as most other financial publications. Every lender sets
a "margin", which is the spread between the index and the interest rate
offered on the loan. For example, as of March 16, 2011, the 1 Year
LIBOR was equal to 0.772%. Many lenders will have a margin of
approximately 2 percentage points. Therefore, the interest rate offered
on the 5/1 arm would be equal to 2.75%. In 5 years, if LIBOR was up to
1.500%, then the 1st adjustment on the loan would take the rate up to
3.50%. Of course, interest rates always have the potential of falling
It is absolutely critical that borrowers thoroughly discuss all details
and options with a mortgage professional and trusted financial advisor
before closing on an adjustable rate product. Even though a 5/1 arm can
make sense for people who will be selling their home within 5 years, it
can be devastating for those just trying to lower their monthly payment
but not having any intention of moving within 5 years. Borrowers should
always remember to protect themselves against the downside and prepare
for the worst case scenario.
Article Source
Friday, September 9, 2011
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» Terms And Benefits Of A 5 Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Terms And Benefits Of A 5 Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Rame Viral | Friday, September 9, 2011
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